Top 10 Reasons you should consider joining the Knight Crier


Skyler Simpson

Staff writer, Skyler Simpson reflects on why the News Journalism should be the next class on your course selection list.

Even though the school year has many months left, course selection season has started. It might be hard to pick classes if you’re unsure of what path you want to take, but there are a few courses that will come in handy no matter what you choose to do with your life. One of those classes is News Journalism. Here are the top 10 reasons you should join The Knight Crier next year.

1 – Writing for a school newspaper helps to prepare you for a career in journalism.

As an official staff member, it’s your job to find stories to write and people to interview. You have to set up the meetings and set deadlines for yourself. Nobody is telling you what to do, so you have to get used to getting things done by yourself.

2 – You get to write all the time.

If you love to write, News Journalism is the perfect thing for you. 1st periods become 45 minutes of uninterrupted writing time, where you can work on whatever articles or ideas you’re currently focusing on.

3 – You can write about what interests you.

The only assignment in this class is to write as much as you can! This gives you creative freedom and the ability to get the word out about things that inspire you. If you saw a movie you really liked, write a review. If you see a cool club, you can get the word out and maybe more people will join. If you meet an awesome person, you can interview them. It’s your job to find the hidden gems North Penn has to offer.

4 – The Knight Crier is kind of a big deal.

North Penn is famous for providing an array of clubs and classes, and the KC is one of the most well known. The articles are posted on TVs all around the school, people talk about it on the morning show, etc. It’s the perfect way to stand out in the crowd of over 3,000 people.

5 – Thousands of people will read your work.

It might sound overwhelming, but it’s awesome. Teachers and students will read/comment, and people from across the world might even check it out. This is your chance to be heard by a wider audience.

6 – Photography.

If you love to take pictures, the KC is full of golden opportunities to be noticed. Every article has a picture attached, from an online image bank or a picture someone takes themself. It’s great practice to photograph everything from scenery to students. It’s a really satisfactory feeling to publish a great article you wrote alongside a great picture you took!

7 – The feeling you get when you see your name/article in the “Top Stories” bank.

When your article is on display at the main part of the Knight Crier website, it’s a really cool feeling. Anyone who goes to the website will see your article pop up first, which makes them more likely to click on it. Trust me, it’s awesome.

8 – Colleges look at it.

If you want to be a serious journalist, colleges will look at your work. On the website, it’s super easy to click your name on the staff page and have every article you’ve ever written right there to see. It will show any comments you have too, which represents the impact your article made on the student body.

9 – We stay informed.

Writing is fun as it is, but the Knight Crier makes it better. We take the opportunity each morning to talk about world news, what’s going on in the country, and what’s happening in the school. Everyone brings their own opinion to the table, and we get to stay in the loop about current events. Remember, knowledge is your most powerful tool.

10 – We all become a big, KC family.

As the only sophomore in the class, I admit, I was a bit nervous to be alongside a more talented, experienced, KC staff. However, I was welcomed with open arms, as was everyone who entered. It’s a great place to bounce article ideas off each other and learn from more practiced journalists. It’s like you walk in each day to a class full of your friends.