94% app sure to hook users

94% app sure to hook users

Marykate Owsiany, Staff Writer

“Name something people often steal from the office to use at home.”

“Name something a wife tells her husband to get rid of.”

“Name something that might be referred to as juicy.”

Almost everyone is familiar with the funny, popular game show, Family Feud. The lively, comical Steve Harvey asks a simple question such as one listed above with a broad variety of answers, but the contestant must provide a response that is among the most common answers that were given in a surveyed group. Now, the simple yet amusing concept has been replicated in an addicting app called 94% that will entertain, divert, and frustrate you indefinitely.

In SCIMOB’s latest application, the player must produce 94% of given answers in response to a short phrase or picture. For instance, one level may say, “The First Thing You Do in the Morning.” The player’s objective, then, is to type answers such as “breakfast,” “brush teeth,” and “check phone” until he or she finds 94% of the given answers. Another level may show an image of a jellyfish, and the player must type answers such as “sea,” “jellyfish,” and “sting” in order to complete the level.

While the game may sound easy, the words associated with the phrases or pictures are not always so obvious. A player may not immediately think of the word “stretch” when pondering what he or she does in the morning. The game shows what percentage a given answer was out of all answers, so a player can see that the response “stretch” was only 2% of all answers. The responses with very low percentages are often difficult to answer and will drive a player crazy.

Some categories are more difficult than others. It is easier to ponder things kept in a pencil case than it is to come up with five things associated with Brazil besides soccer and Rio. However, these tough categories and not-so-obvious answers are the ones that frustrate a player to the max and cause him or her to become absolutely addicted to this app.

The game surely stimulates the mind and makes the brain work hard. Players laugh when they use their hints and clues to find the answer to a difficult level and realize how obvious the answers can be.

94% is free and certainly worth a download if you are looking for a fun workout for your brain. However, proceed with caution–you are very likely to struggle to put your phone down once you begin to play.