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Knight’s Next Quest – Bella Manus

What schools did you apply to?
Millersville University and the University of Delaware.

What school did you commit to and why?
I committed to the University of Delaware because I fell in love with its campus. It feels like a little city in itself. My major is undecided, but Delaware has so many majors I know I will eventually find my passion there.

What are your academic/career aspirations?
No matter what field I end up in after college, I want to truly love the work I do and be able to help people.

What are you most excited for next year?
I am excited about the personal growth I will have to go through living away from home. I will learn how to become more independent and I’m excited to find close relationships once I’m living on campus.

What is your favorite North Penn memory?
My favorite memory from my time in high school is when I took chemistry with Mr. Collier. The class was always entertaining and I truly enjoyed learning about chemistry in that class.

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