One may know North Penn senior Rayat Karim from NPTV, Dude Report, or Homecoming Court. However, what isn’t seen on the surface is that he’s a future aerospace engineer.
What’s ironic is that most of Karim’s extracurricular activities don’t align with his future career goals.
“I love music. It’s a big passion of mine so I feel like I have to put in hard work to do well because everyone is so talented,” Karim explained.
He’s mainly involved in NPHS Chorus which is a complete volte-face from his love for engineering.
“Bards and Chambers definitely take up the most amount of time throughout the week,” Karim described.
Karim is also a major contributor to NPTV.
“For NPTV mornings I obviously do Dude Report, I’ve anchored before and I’ve done Low Down, and I’ve taken Mr. Manero’s segment,” Karim explained.
There’s a lot going on behind the scenes of the beloved Dude Report for Karim.
“I have a certain style to how I write and perfecting that takes a bunch of time. Also trying to find something that people will find funny is extremely difficult because Jaden and I’s humor is really niche. So we have to find that general click which can be difficult,” Karim commented.
Additionally, he works diligently on the NPTV radio show to provide killer tunes for all to hear.
“I did a lot of the radio show with NPTV last year. And I think I was the first person to do the morning, I know people did it in the afternoon, but with Knight Zone, we started the morning radio show,” Karim said.
Since Karim was little he was shooting for the stars. He’s always had a passion for aerospace engineering.
“My parents and my brother would go to bed, and it would be past midnight and I’d be a nine-year-old building cardboard rocket ships,” Karim explained.
Now as a senior, he knows that this profession is all he wants to do.
“I don’t think I can see myself doing anything as a career in the future other than aerospace engineering,” Karim stated.
What one may also not know is Karim is very dedicated to his current scientific projects.
“I’m currently doing two projects. One is for AP Research and is about piezoelectrics, which is basically trying to make energy from rain. The other is for my engineering design and development course and I’m working on making fabric out of spider silk,” Karim described.
And without his close friends that he met in middle school he wouldn’t be the person he is today.
“My friends have supported everything that I’ve wanted to do and cherish and care about me as a person,”
Karim loves his North Penn community and because of it he’s able to strive for infinity and beyond. He is going to accomplish amazing things.