Knights Next Quest: Samiha Alam

What schools did you apply to?
I applied to 10 schools. The regular Temple and Penn State along with reaches such as Yale and Brown. I applied to schools based on their campus location, campus life, resources for my major, and if they have a good study abroad program.

What school did you commit to and why?
I committed to Pitt because I really liked the campus and the atmosphere. It was still in-state, which my parents really wanted. Pitt is also ranked pretty well for my major, chemistry.

What are your academic/career aspirations?
For now, I’m not sure what I want to do with my life. I always thought I’d get a PhD and do some medical research. However, I also wanted to minor in international relations or even double major and see where that takes me. Recently, I’ve been thinking about doing humanitarian work and maybe working for non-profit organizations.

What are you most excited for next year?
I think I’m most excited about living away from my parents and getting to be independent. I love my parents of course, but I want to be responsible for myself. I’m also excited about living in a new place and seeing what it has to offer.

What is your favorite North Penn memory?
My favorite North Penn memory is probably multicultural night! My friends worked really hard to bring it to life and being a part of it felt really special. I was so happy to see everyone and all the clubs come together for something never done before. I hope they continue it for future years. Although it hasn’t happened yet, I’m also looking forward to reflections.

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