Submitted photo by Christina Childs

Teachers don’t live in their classrooms? Miss Christina Childs

What is your side hustle?

I am a fitness instructor at a gym outside of school.

When did you start your side hustle and how long have you been doing it?

I started teaching Zumba back in November of 2018. I am currently still teaching Zumba along with other classes such as Strong by Zumba and HIIT classes. In the future, I hope to teach more types of fitness classes and get my certification to teach rhythmic spin.

Why did you start the side hustle?

I started this side hustle to keep dancing in my life to some capacity. I grew up dancing from the age of 3 years old until I finished college. After graduating college, I taught dance classes at the studio I went to while growing up. As I got more into fitness and took a few Zumba classes, the instructor recommended I get my Zumba Certification. The story went from here!

Talk about your favorite part of the side hustle?

My favorite part of my side hustle is the amount of fun and people it adds to my life. I have met so many amazing people through being a fitness instructor. Being a fitness instructor is so much more than just providing a workout class. It feels great to encourage and motivate people, help them have fun, and help them feel good about themselves. It is just fun, and it is a good stress outlet in my life.

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