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KC Senior Spotlight: Spencer Heilveil

What college are you attending next year? 

University of Tampa

What is your major?

Sports Management

How did you decide on your major?

I found sports management as a way to stay in sports while pursuing a leadership job.

What is the job you hope to have after college?

My dream job would be the general manager for a professional sports team, even better would be for a Philadelphia sports team.

What were you involved with throughout high school?

I played baseball all three years you could say (of course senior year being cancelled) but loved my time and it taught me so many lessons of perseverance and hard work. I met so many of my greatest friends and teammates and wouldn’t be the same without them. My senior year I decided to play football for the first time in my life. After always wanting to play football, I joined the team and did not look back. Thanks to the coaches and amazing teammates, I had the best year and ended up starting all year. I learned that it never matters when you start something, as long as you give it your all, you can look back with the biggest smile knowing you did everything you could. I even ended up winning the 12th Knight Scholarship team award, which was my proudest moment. I enjoyed all my moments with NPTV from morning shows to basketball games to covering all the school events. I learned how to do all these new things from technology to presenting yourself on air, and although I may not be going into TV, these lessons I will take forward in life. We even won three awards from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which I was so happy to be involved with. I was a part of the Knight Crier my senior year, getting the opportunity to write about people’s amazing stories and cover our schools sports games. Not only did I get a chance to expand myself as a writer but learn so many amazing stories of the people at North Penn. I have been involved with St. Baldrick’s, a foundation to raise money and awareness for pediatric cancer. I was a head shaver for two years and gladly raised over $1,000. All these clubs and teams gave me so many unforgettable memories and taught me lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life.

What would you like to say to all the clubs and activities you have been involved in?

Thank you for the long days of tiredness that I would never trade for anything else. Thank you for the friends and mentors and teachers I’ve met. Thank you for the moments of sadness which fueled my motivation to keep bettering myself. Most of all, thank you for giving me the chance to make my time at North Penn the best it could be. I will miss it all so much and can’t wait for what the future holds for North Penn.

What would you like to say to NPHS and NPSD now that we will no longer be returning to finish the year?

Thank you for the friends and memories. This is my home and I will never forget my days as a Knight. I wish we could have had the ending to my senior year and I know this was out of our control but the time I was given at North Penn was not misused. What North Penn gave me is the best 18 years of my life and I will always be a Knight.

What piece of advice would you give to underclassmen?

Take advantage of every opportunity you get. It doesn’t matter if you’re a sophomore new to the high school or a senior in their last semester of their North Penn lives. Try that new sport, join that club or make that new friend. You never know when things will be taken from you so take every opportunity you get.

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