KC Senior Spotlight: Alexis Bamford

What college are you attending next year? 

American University in D.C.

What is your major?

CLEG, which stands for Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government

How did you decide on your major?

I didn’t want to limit myself — I like to learn and I’m up for anything, career-wise. Basically, my major is a government salad, and it is unique to AU. The only bad thing is that I’ll have to spend the rest of my career explaining what CLEG stands for.

What is the job you hope to have after college?

I want to live in New York City and work for the city government or the Department of Justice. Political speechwriting and screenwriting (writing movies and TV shows) are also very much on the table.

What were you involved with throughout high school?

I was involved in a lot of activities, especially during sophomore year, and it took a while to find the right fit. During my senior year, I was the Editor-in-Chief of the Knight Crier and involved in planning the Mock Democratic Convention, NPTV, NHS, and the Young Democrats Club. I learned that everything happens for a reason — my high school experience was by no means perfect, but I’m very happy with where I ended up, so I wouldn’t change a thing.

What would you like to say to all the clubs and activities you have been involved in?

Thank you for trusting me with a newspaper/camera/convention! I’m so grateful for the opportunities. All of these activities have taught me the importance of trusting my abilities and working as a team.

What would you like to say to NPHS and NPSD now that we will no longer be returning to finish the year?

I’d like to send a HUGE thank you (in no particular order) to:

Mr. Haley, Mrs. Vervoort, Mr. Manero, Mrs. Lev, Mr. Nicholson, Dr. Dietrich, Dr. Bauer, Sra. Atkiss, Sr. Vidal, Sra. Condon, Mrs. Flocco, Mrs. Schofield, Mr. Brett, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Transue, Mr. D’Aquanno, Mr. Neu, OB/McT, Mrs. Behrens, Mr. Berger, Mr. Gillmer, Mrs. Panaski, Mrs. Kelley, Dr. Arney, Mrs. Sinkinson, Mr. Holleran, Mr. Richhart, Mrs. Kornstein, Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. Marcopul, Master Pfister, and of course my friends and family.

What piece of advice would you give to underclassmen?

Believe in karma, be kind to yourself, and treat every person like they matter. You might not have a say in what happens to you (like a pandemic), but you can always control who you are as a person.

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