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Senior Spotlight: Ciara Hayden

Future Plans: 

“My future plans are to become a psychologist (majoring in Psychology at West Virginia University) so I can open new case studies studying the effects of trauma on the developing child. I’m also planning to travel to different parts of the world to help with my research.”

Favorite NPHS Memory: 

“Participating in the Dominican Republic service trip last summer. I was so honored to be offered the opportunity of a lifetime that truly opened my eyes about our world.”

Favorite Classes: 

“Sculpture/Independent Study that I had with Mrs. Carrick. It really taught me a lot about expressing my creativity and thinking outside the box. Another one of my favorite classes was Chemistry; I never liked or was particularly good at it, but I had Mr. King, who was hands down my favorite teacher! He always made class fun while still learning.”

Favorite Teachers:

“My favorite teachers were Mr. King, Mr. Schmitz, Mrs. Parrish, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Cooney, Mrs. Carrick, Mr. Haley, and Mrs. Levandowski. I know that’s a lot, but they all significantly helped me through my time at North Penn and get me to where I am today. They all guided me to choose the right path, and I’ll always be thankful for everything they taught me; about school and just life in general.”

Advice to incoming sophomores:

“Remember everyday like it was yesterday, because time flies a whole lot faster than you think. I know I didn’t get to truly experience my senior year like others, but I can still say it ended a lot faster than expected. Make memories everyday and I guarantee high school will be the best time of your life.”

To the Class of 2021 I leave…

“A couple of art pieces that I never got to pick up. But I also leave behind memories that I made and make way for the new memories that I will make in college.”


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