The Enact club looks forward to their Electronic Recycling Day

John Collier

The Enact club working to collect at the Electronics donated on Electronic Recycling Day

The Enact club at North Penn High School is helping to raise awareness and participate in events protecting the environment and is excited to continue that mission with their upcoming Electronics Recycling Day. 

The Enact club is holding an Electronics Recycling day at North Penn High School on Saturday, November 13th from 10 am to 1 pm collecting anything from cellphones and tablets to computer batteries and hard drives.

“A lot of electronics end up in landfills and that’s a problem for several reasons,” advisor of the Enact club Mr. John Collier said. “People have these items in their house, for a lot of them it would be easier to just throw it out, so we are trying to make it as simple and easy for them as possible.” 

“It’s not doing any good just sitting there so I think it’s very important to get the community out and recycling is always good,” Enact club officer Emma Worthington explained about the importance of the Electronics Recycling Day. “Also the people we are working with I believe are ex-convicts, and it’s really important to give them that opportunity to find work when it’s really hard for them and just the recycling part of it is important,”

The event is a free event with some exceptions to the collection of some larger items, and donations are appreciated to help the Enact club continue its journey in helping to clean and preserve the environment. The Enact Club has partnered with the Northern Montgomery County Recycling Commission to help them keep this event free for community members.

“Our students in the Enact club got together and decided that they wanted to do an event free to the community because we just felt it so important to get these recyclables in,” Collier explained. 

The Enact club is a mainly student-run club helping to plan events and participate in events that focus on sustainability around the North Penn School District community. 

“A lot of the outreach they like to do is within the community. We do host things at the high school trying to raise awareness like recycling within the high school and we are working with the school board to kind of make whatever renovations happen at the high school more sustainably oriented,” Collier explained.

Not only does the club have the big Electronics Recycling Day coming up, but throughout the year they hold even more big events that the community can partake in. 

“Another one of our big events is our event in the spring where we have elementary age kids come to our little nature center and they do all different events themed around nature. The students find it very important to interact with the community,” Collier said. 

The Enact club will also be helping to organize a high school environmental conference that will help environmental clubs in the Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey areas to improve their clubs and give each other ideas of events to hold at their schools and within their clubs. They will also be collecting plastic bags for their partnership with Weis and Trex Recycling to be gifted a recycled bench and work toward their goal of creating an outdoor classroom. 

Environmental issues are very prominent in our society today and a goal of the Enact club is to inform the future generation of ways to protect and preserve their environment. 

“It’s really important for high school especially because we are the future. The world is going to be ours in a few years and just making sure that the students here know about these issues is important. We want to leave the high schools with a better understanding of what’s going on and ways to help,” Worthington said. 

To help support the Enact club, visit this website and make sure to attend the upcoming Electronics Recycling Day on November 13!