9 ways to prepare for Senior Prom

Prom is soon approaching and it is important to be as prepared as possible for the big night!

Senior Prom is right around the corner at North Penn, and many things go into a successful prom. Seniors have a taste of Prom from last year, and everyone has something they regret or wish they had done differently. Here is a list of things everyone should consider and do to prepare for an unforgettable prom. 

  1. Match your shoes to your belt

This may seem obvious for some but for others, not so much. If you plan to wear a belt, match it to your shoes, making it more cohesive and professional.  

        2. Have an alternate plan for pictures if it rains.

As we know, this time of year in Pennsylvania, the weather is some of the most unpredictable ever. It can be sunny and 85 degrees one day, and your car could be frozen the next morning. If your original plan is to take pictures outside, make sure you have a different plan if the weather decides not to go your way. 

         3. Bring a hair tie 

Prom is an exciting day with many things to look forward to, including dancing. A hair tie is essential if you’re an all-out dancer with long hair. The worst thing is when your hair sticks to you. 

          4. Bring a change of shoes.

This one is important. Most of the night is spent dancing, and dancing in heels or uncomfortable dress shoes is the worst. Bring an extra pair of shoes to change into, so you can dance the night away comfortably! 

         5. Figure out transportation

Many students that have attended Senior Prom in the past have used limos and party buses. If this is your plan, figure your plan out sooner than later. Renting can be difficult on short notice, and it’s crucial to figure out a plan before it’s too late. 

       6. Make sure you eat and drink during the day. 

Prom is a long day; eating and hydrating before is very important. We do not need anyone passing out or feeling sick during the big night. 

       7. Communicate wardrobe with your date

Matching with your date is important if you want your pictures to look cohesive. Communicate with your date to make sure your outfits match, as well as flowers and accessories.

       8. Wear deodorant 

There are almost 1,000 kids attending prom that will be crammed into one room and on one dance floor. Wear deodorant so the room does not end up smelling like BO. 

      9. Have fun! 

As stressful as everything may be leading up to prom, the most important thing is that everyone has fun. It is one of the last North Penn events some of these students will attend and instead of dwelling on all the things that could go wrong, focus on having fun with your friends!