Go Nuts for Krispy Kreme Donuts!

Nikki Sajja

NHS members show their donut devotion, including NHS President Haley Meade.

You don’t have to drive 30 minutes away the next time you feel like eating a Krispy Kreme donut– NHS is bringing Krispy Kreme to you! National Honors Society, also known as NHS, is hosting a Krispy Kreme fundraiser, selling donuts by the dozen.

From March 17th to March 31st, you can order donuts from any NHS member. They are offering original glazed, chocolate glazed, kreme filled, raspberry filled, and lemon filled, the original selling for $12 and the specialized options for $13.

The money that is raised from this event goes towards scholarships that will be given to the ambitious members of NHS. Haley Meade, president of NHS, elaborated on this opportunity.

“The money we make from this fundraiser is going back to our most dedicated senior members in the form of scholarships. We are currently giving out four $1000 scholarships and six $500 scholarships, but we are hoping to increase that number after this fundraiser to help more of our members pay for college,” Meade explained.


In order to be considered for a scholarship, senior NHS members must fill out an application and have an interview with the advisors. From there, the advisors select who they deem most qualified.
Many NHS members have become devoted to their sales, eager to spread the Krispy Kreme delight. The member with the most donuts sold is eligible to win a select prize of their choice!

“This fundraiser has been a good way to connect with your peers, family, friends, and bring a little more joy into their lives! Bring the community closer together, one donut at a time,” Meade expressed.

Members are currently accepting payment through cash, check, or venmo, and you can expect to receive your donut order on April 13th in the cafeteria.