Stopping by Kabir’s Korner

Julia Shearer

“Good morning everybody, this is Kabir Bhakta!” North Penn High School student Kabir Bhakta has become a weekly voice on the Monday morning announcements.

“Good morning everybody, this is Kabir Bhakta, welcome to Kabir’s Korner!” These words, once an idea on a Google slide, have become a staple of Monday mornings at North Penn High School.

Kabir Bhakta is a personality at North Penn that we all know and love, but not many know who he really is other than just a friendly face. Not only does he love to strike up conversations with anyone in the hallways, but Bhakta is very involved at North Penn, and he is grateful for everything that the school has to offer. 

Now that they’re seniors, not everyone makes time to be involved in clubs at school but Bhakta embraces it all, having fun and building friendships along the way.

“I do activities after school such as Indian Culture Association and Enact Club, and for my favorite hobbies I like to dance and hang out with my friends in school,” Bhakta said.

Bhakta takes his role as a member of school clubs very seriously, hoping to make a difference. A prime example of this is his position in Enact Club, where he takes pride in making the world a better place.

“What we do in Enact is, take out the plastic in the environment, protect the environment and make it a better place for everyone to have a great world to live in,” Bhakta elaborated. “We do shoveling and mulch the cleanest paths, and make it smooth every time.”

Aside from working with the environment, Bhakta also embraces his culture by taking part in the Indian Cultural Club.

“In Indian Club we do meetings, we do Garba, we do other things. My favorite thing was Garba a month ago. It was a big day for me… It made me feel happy and everyone there gave me a lot of happiness,” Bhakta explained.

Being from San Antonio, Texas and coming to the district in eighth grade, Bhakta was already seeing plenty of new faces at Pennfield. However, going to high school at an enormous place like North Penn you’re bound to meet new people every day, which is one of his favorite things about coming to school, day after day.

“What I like about North Penn is meeting new people and hanging out with them…[I do it] to make sure that we get to know each other a lot,” Bhakta said. “It’s so important that you meet new people everyday because maybe you can make new friends that you can remember.”

On September 19th, Kabir was introduced to what would become his new favorite thing to do. He started by doing a segment in the morning announcements, and his love for it took off from there.

“What I do every week for the announcements is, I show up and care and have a little fun. I have to impress my friends and everyone in the classroom,” Bhakta explained. “I’m just making everyone aware of the announcements so they can remember what’s been going on and what other amazing things are coming up like Garba or anything that is happening.”

This has made so much of an impact on Bhakta’s weekly routine, that it stirs up something inside of him that makes the job well worth it.

“It’s fun. I get to smile, show up, and care about what I do. It makes me feel good… I like being a famous announcer and wishing everyone a great week, and making sure that all students are successful,” Bhakta said.

Other than his passion for doing the morning announcements, Bhakta also has a favorite teacher who he looks forward to learning from every day.

“This year I have Ms. Christiano for visualizing and verbalizing. It’s basically when you read, and create these pictures in your mind,” Bhakta stated. “We do word summaries, answer questions, write words and sentences that basically describe what it is, and you have to write a structure word that goes along with it, and you have to write a sentence with it.”

Recently, Bhakta has gotten into a new style in the way he dresses. A suit jacket and bowtie have become the new normal for him.

“I started doing it the first week of November. I decided to get dressed up to show everyone how cool this looks… I want everyone to say ‘hey look at him,’ ” Bhakta explained.

Now, he isn’t dressing like this for no reason. Bhakta enjoys impressing his peers, and appreciates the compliments he has received from the new look.

“It makes me feel nice. It gives me a lot of happiness. Everyone will say ‘hey you look nice’ and ‘hey you look refreshing,’ “ Bhakta elaborated. 

Although Bhakta’s iconic character will be leaving North Penn in the spring, he will never forget this school and what it’s given him. Until then, though, you can join him every Monday morning on the announcements at Kabir’s Korner.