A Great Day to be Kind
After a long two years at home, lacking so much daily interaction with others, sometimes I think we forget how much a simple act of kindness can change someone else’s day.
Random Act of Kindness Day was started in Denver Colorado, in 1995 by a nonprofit organization, Random Act of Kindness Foundation. It later spread to New Zealand in 2004 and continued to grow into a widespread holiday.
With people’s busy schedules it is important to take a step back a take time to do kind things. We often get caught up in our own lives and forget how important it is to do something kind for someone else.
If you are struggling to think of some kind acts to do this Thursday, February 17th here are a few to help you brighten someone’s day!
Open the door for someone

Bring a friend, family member, or significant other flowers
Smile at someone across the hallway

Tell your teacher that they are doing a good job
Sit with someone who is sitting alone at lunch
Compliment a stranger

Pay for the person behind you in a drive-thru
Leave a nice note on someone’s car in the parking lot

Tell your parents or guardians how thankful you are for them
Get food for you and your sibling
We also want to remember the reason why you are doing something kind for someone else. It shouldn’t be to get something in return or to earn praise for the person. The biggest reward of doing an act of kindness is seeing the persons smile after it and seeing how happy it makes that.