As the tables turn, Reichwein rocks into retirement

A New Chapter: NPHS Tech Ed teacher, Mr. Curt Reichwein will retire on December 23rd

After 23 years Mr. Curt Reichwein, a passionate, fun-loving technology-education teacher, will step out of his classroom to follow the beat of a different tune. 

Reichwein will retire from teaching, but will step into the ownership of a record store in Phoenixville. 

“I’ve had this incredible lifelong hobby, I have been collecting records my whole life. A guy who owns a store that I frequently shop at is retiring from his retirement job, the record store. So he asked me if I wanted to buy his record store,” Reichwein stated.

Reichwein went back and forth about this decision for a month, not knowing what to do. This was an amazing opportunity, but he didn’t know how he could leave the job that he loves.

“Truth be told I was not planning on retiring, I figured I would at least go another two years,” Reichwein explained. “[But] I had gone to bed the night before saying okay I am going to call in the morning and say I will buy the store. I woke up in the middle of the night and said to my wife, ‘You know I just can’t do this. This is insane, I still love teaching, my department is amazing, we are doing great things with kids, I never planned to leave now, it’s not the right time and all these other things.’ And then my wife then said to me, ‘Why is it that we only let kids have dreams, why can’t you have a dream that you chase’ and I looked her in the eye and said, ‘Okay you’re right we can do this.’”

With such a tough decision as this one, Reichwein is feeling all different types of emotions. 

“It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time because it’s such a massive change,” Reichwein said.


Music has been a part of Reichwein’s life for as long as he can remember. From the time that he was a little kid, he has always been obsessed with buying records and listening to them. Music means everything to him. 

“Music, next to my wife and my children is the most important thing in my life,” Reichwein stated. “Music for me has never been a background thing, it’s always been a foreground thing.”

For Reichwein every moment has a song. He has his own soundtrack for his life and his memories.

“Music is the soundtrack to your life. Every single event that has happened in your life you can tie to a song. Every time I hear, ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Beatles, it reminds me of the first time I held my daughter. The song is forever tied to her and me in that bonding moment,” Reichwein shared. 

“The day I open my record store for the first time I am going to bring the first record I ever purchased, and that is going to be the first song I ever play in the store.”

His passion for music as well as teaching are qualities that have been very apparent to his colleagues.

“Curt is a living encyclopedia of music, a passionate educator, a pillar of ethics, a superb mentor, and an amazing friend. I love him like a brother and wish him the very best on his next life adventure. If he sells records like he teaches, he’ll have the best record shop in the country,” NPHS Tech-Ed teacher Dr. Mike Voicheck explained.

From just knowing Mr. Reichwein from this 25 minute interview, I already know North Penn is going to be missing a great teacher. Reichwein talks so passionately about teaching and his students, you can just tell he’s an amazing teacher. 

“The kids are great, and I know that sounds cliche because anybody who retires or leaves says that. But the truth of the matter is that it is true. The kids are why we come here, the kids are why we get up each morning to do this every day. Sharing in their excitement, when that lightbulb goes off and they get it. I am going to miss them the most,” Reichwein shared.

Talking about leaving North Penn made Reichwein quite reflective as he looked back on the experience he’s had and the people he has met. 

“When I walk out of this room on Thursday I will most likely shed a tear. It’s a part of me and when you lose something that is part of you there is a void,” Reichwein shared tearing up.

Reichwein’s may not be the only one shedding a tear when he leaves.

“Curt has a genuine passion for teaching and working with students that stretches well beyond the curriculum.  He sets the stage for our Engineering Academy as he is often the first teacher the students meet in the Introduction to Engineering Design course.  His passion and drive ignite a fire in the students that carry with them for their entire lives!  Working with Curt has been an absolute pleasure and saying goodbye is like saying goodbye to a family member, it’s impossible!  To say he will be missed is a gross understatement!” Mr. Mike Boyer, NPHS Tech. Ed teacher reflected.

For Reichwein his 23 year teaching chapter is ending but a new chapter where his dreams come true is starting.

“Come see Deepgroove record in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania on Bridge Street sometime in February.”