Top 5 best shows to binge during quarantine

“Felicity” is one of many incredible shows that you can binge while you’re stuck in the house.

Now that we all have some free time on our hands, what better way is there than to spend hours upon hours in front of the TV? Well, I can think of a bunch of other productive things to do, but if you’re a couch potato such as myself, Netflix is your go-to activity. To aid you in your time in the television hole, I’ve compiled a list of some of my personal favorite shows. Instead of focusing on the mainstream shows such as The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Saturday Night Live, I’m going to be touching upon some lesser known shows that deserve some love.

1. Felicity (Amazon Prime)

I recently finished watching this show with my mom, and it’s easily become one of my all time favorites. It takes viewers through Felicity’s four years of college (with its respective four seasons) through all the ups and downs. I was hesitant to watch this show at first, because, let’s be real, most shows about high school or college life are inaccurate and completely cliche. However, “Felicity” breaks this mold. There’s plenty of romance, drama, and funny moments as well, including a twist at the very end that even I didn’t see coming. By the way… I’m Team Noel.

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm (on demand)

“Curb” is probably one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. It stars Larry David, the co-writer of “Seinfeld”, as a more stylized version of himself. If you’re a fellow laugh track hater like myself, this show is perfect for you, as it relies on impeccable timing and acting to bring the jokes home. David is utterly hilarious throughout all ten seasons, and if I’m not mistaken, I think they’re making more.

3. Glee (Netflix)

Most people know about this show and have their strong opinions on it, I’m very much aware. I am, however, a strong advocate for the show. I first watched it a couple of years ago, all six seasons, and I can thoroughly say that I enjoyed it. It’s another high school to college show, and it does have its fair share of cliches, but the connections between the characters makes it all worth it. Not to mention, most of the actors are very talented singers. It’s also a fantastic show to let out your inner fangirl. Season six, episode five… that’s all I have to say.

4. Dark Matter (Netflix)

Although this show has stopped running, the few seasons it has are really good. It follows a group of people who wake up in a space station with essentially no memories. The acting is really good in this show, along with the set design and the CGI effects. In all, the strong bonds built by the characters was the highlight of the show. If you need a show to end wrapped up in a bow, though, beware – it ends rather abruptly due to people not knowing if they were going to have another season or not.

Honorable Mentions:

Elite (Netflix)

Rain (Netflix)

Modern Love (Amazon Prime)

Gilmore Girls (Netflix) !!! Team Jess forever.

5. Breaking Bad (Netflix)

I will confess – I haven’t finished this show yet. However, it is most certainly one of my favorite shows of all time. The subject matter is dark, yes, but through incredible acting and cinematography, even the most squeamish people can get through it. Another fantastic thing about this show is that it’s the gift that keeps on giving. It has produced the spin-off “Better Call Saul” and the epilogue movie “El Camino”, both of which I’m waiting to finish the series to see, but I have no doubt that they’ll be fantastic.