From peer to career: Sra. Brittany Atkiss

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Sra. Atkiss one of many teachers who have graduated from North Penn.

Throughout this year, we’re going to be featuring teachers that graduated from North Penn. Every Wednesday, a different teacher will be asked the same questions regarding their experience within North Penn. This week, we’re focusing on Spanish teacher Sra. Brittany Atkiss.

What is your background?

I went to college at Penn State. My major was World Language/Spanish and I had a minor in International Relations. While in college, I studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain. When I first graduated college, I taught elementary Spanish (and loved it!), then did middle school for a few years before coming to North Penn High School.

When you were a student, did you think you’d come back?

I knew early on that I wanted to be a Spanish teacher so coming back to teach at North Penn High School was always my goal. I feel so lucky to have my dream job! 

What are the main differences between your time as a student and a staffer?

I think as a student I could be a procrastinator and sometimes the chatty student in a class. Now, I don’t have time to procrastinate – I like to get things done as soon as possible. Although, I still am pretty chatty.

When starting your job at NP, were any aspects easier because of your experience there as a student?

Definitely already knowing where everything was in the building was helpful. And I think just going through the same experience as the students I am teaching helps me relate to them.

When starting at NP, was anything more difficult or unexpected because of your experience there as a student?

I always say my first year teaching at North Penn was the hardest year I ever had.  I think it was because I taught four different classes (one which I never did), I never had an experience with high schoolers, and I was trying to go above-and-beyond with everything I did. But I don’t think my experience being a student really changed that one way or another.

Biggest change since you were a student?

Hmm… the Cookie Corner is different and there is a new pool since I went here! 

Main thing that’s stayed the same since you were a student?

The North Penn Pride continues. Some of the wonderful teachers I had are still here, so it’s always nice to say hi to them!