A Knight in the Castle: Mr. Christopher Lucas

TOWAMENCIN – Mr. Lucas has been working in the North Penn school district for a while, starting out as Pennbrook middle school’s computer and business teacher. Now, he’s transitioned to the high school, hoping to teach students of older ages some valuable skills in technology and finance.

Why did you decide to come to the high school?

“I came to the high school after transferring from Pennbrook. It was a good opportunity. Although it may be a little different, I’m happy to be here.”

What classes do you teach here?

“I’m teaching entrepreneurship, personal finance, sports marketing, electronic simulation and design, and multimedia presentation.”

Which one is your favorite?

“I like them all, but personal finance is definitely good for the students. It will help them in college and further into the future.”

What did you teach at Pennbrook?

“I taught computer technology and business and banking concepts.”

What caused you to choose these fields as your selected area of study?

“I have an undergraduate degree in business. After I got that, I wanted to get a teaching certification in social studies. However, I also enjoyed business, so I got a business certification as well. I ended up getting a job teaching business at Pennbrook, so I just stuck with that.

What’s your favorite part about being a teacher?

“The interaction with the students. A lot of former students from Pennbrook come up to me to talk. The reaction they have to you is one of the best parts for me, knowing they remember you.”

Any inspiring last words?

“Just that I’m really happy to be here. Everyone’s been great from the teachers to the students. It’s been a great experience so far, and I’m looking forward to my future at North Penn.”