Kelly kicking stereotypes through the uprights

Kelly Macnamara, a NPHS sophomore, stands on the sidelines during North Penn's game against LaSalle on September 4th. McNamara is the first female football player in school history.

Mikaela Mosley

Kelly Macnamara, a NPHS sophomore, stands on the sidelines during North Penn’s game against LaSalle on September 4th. McNamara is the first female football player in school history.

Mikaela Mosley, Staff Writer

TOWAMENCIN – Most North Penn football fans don’t see the ponytail coming out of the back of number 41’s helmet. They probably don’t notice anything that would set this player aside from any other player. However, sophomore trailblazing kicker, Kelly Macnamara, is kicking her way into our hearts.

Finding the right pod during the school day is challenging enough for any student new to the high school. Kelly adds to the everyday stress of school by also trying to find the right locker room, being the only girl on the otherwise all boys football team.

“Getting used to life at the high school is kind of difficult because it’s so big, but I think I’m doing pretty well,” said Kelly.

She manages to practice every day during the week in preparation for the Friday night games.

Kelly does not get, nor does she expect, special treatment.

“I’m still doing everything every sophomore does. I carry in the water bottles, I clean them, I take all the balls and put them away” she said.

No matter how she tries to down play it, she is no regular sophomore. She is in fact an historic figure as she is the first female to ever play for the football team according to Athletic Director William Bartle.

Kelly had no prior football experience. She knew the team had a need and she simply tried out.

“I heard the previous kicker had graduated and I thought I’d give it a shot.”

Confident in her leg strength which was developed from playing soccer from the time she was five years old, Kelly knew she could add some value to the football team. Her soccer skills have given her the wherewithal to compete against athletes on many different levels and the confidence to go up against the guys.

This experience is not only given to Kelly, but her friends and family. Kelly shared that her parents are proud supporters of her decision. She further shared her dad’s opinion on her participation on the team.

“He’s excited for me and he thinks that it’s an experience that will help me go forward in life.”

Kelly is an inspiration for girls and guys to go for what they want, to be fearless in their pursuit of perfection, and to not be deterred by stereotypes.