Editorial: Dating in high school – Is it a good idea?

Esther Belizaire, Staff Writer

Having a high school relationship can be very difficult. Most high school couples deal with gossip, drama, and rumors. Especially when some people are already overwhelmed with college applications, sports, clubs and jobs. Time is not limitless for high school teens. When students are already piled with work, projects, and personal issues, serious relationships can cause a lot more stress.

Many people in every grade in high school are preoccupied with dating. There are many reasons to why students date in high school. Many high school relationships are created because of common interest or the two students are undergoing the same problems. When it comes to prom, juniors and seniors are more obsessed with having a relationship because nobody wants to remember their special night without a date.

“I plan to go to prom with someone,” said Wilken Guerier, a student at North Penn High School. “It would be cool to go to prom in a limo and have someone to experience the fun with you.”

Also when people are busy in a relationship, it is hard keeping up with friends if they are mostly going out with only their significant other. When people are caught in the middle between a relationship and a friendship, things can be difficult, especially if a person’s friends and significant other are not too fond of each other.

”It is hard when your friends and your boyfriend do not get along. You are forced to spend time with them separately,” stated Courtney Angus, a student at North Penn High School.

The most common problem in a relationship is handling rumors. Whether the rumor is true or not, it could leave your relationship in bad terms.

“Rumors are the main cause of breakups. Sometimes people cannot handle the drama and they just break up,” Guerier added

Couples could either break up or the bad things in their relationship could surface. Rumors are never fun, especially with the pettiness it comes with them.

When couples break up it could leave awkward or an unpleasant tension between them. It also can be a distraction to your academics if it is stressing you out. Most people would say that a high school relationship would not last, but it does not mean people have to avoid them.

“There are a lot of joys of being in a relationship, said Angus. “You feel a certain belonging and you are a lot happier.”

The dating world introduces people to new places and interesting activities. It also makes people see what their interest are and what they like in a person in a relationship most people rarely feel lonely. Since couples are mostly going out places and on dates it beat staying home doing nothing.

Is dating in high school so bad? Students are already stressed with school work and dealing with relationship issues could be very stressful. Dating can make a person feel happy and rarely lonely, and they have a person to do fun, new and exciting activities with. Especially for juniors and seniors. They could have a great prom date and a perfect night to remember. High School teens should have a relationship only if they are mature enough to handle many tasks at once and have enough time for one. Additionally, it may not be a good idea to have a relationship if a student is grappling with many personal problems, bad grades, and other stressors because having a relationship is not necessarily going to make those things any easier to manage.

‘It takes a lot of energy to maintain a relationship and keep it flowing,” said North Penn HIg School Guidance counselor Mrs. Elisa Manalo. “If a student is investing more time with a relationship than their academics, of course something is going to slide.”

Some students are mature enough to handle the drama and responsibility that comes with a high school relationship. When those students break up with their significant other, they would not let it affect their academics and other issues. Having a High School relationship can be worth it only if you have enough time and you are mature enough to handle whatever the outcome its.