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Meet Mr. Dominic DiDio: bringing creativity to North Penn television

Dominic DiDio where he spends most of his time at NP; the TV studio
Dominic DiDio where he spends most of his time at NP; the TV studio
Gianna Ciccone

TOWAMENCIN – Many people are unsure what they want to do with their life while still in high school, but for Dominic DiDio, all it took was a good mentor who shared his love for television. Now, as the new television specialist for North Penn High School, he will get to do the same for current students.

“It’s cool to be like the mentor that I had in high school because originally I had no idea what I wanted to do in school until I found television. So it’s nice to provide that to the students and be able to help them facilitate their skills,” North Penn television specialist Dominic DiDio explained. 

After graduating from Kutztown University with a degree in Cinema Television and Media studies, DiDio found himself working with 69 News for three years before coming to North Penn. He’s since been assisting with all things NPTV, filming after school events, and helping the career study students. 

“It’s a lot better than seeing all of the death and destruction in the news everyday. You know, we’ll go film the wrestling match versus a double homicide,” DiDio reflected. “I just like watching the students grow. It’s really cool to see somebody come in and say, “hey, I’m interested in this.”

With everything happening in today’s world, it’s definitely much calmer in the NPTV studio compared to 69 News. 

“The news was great, but it does start to wear on you. It’s really cool to help get the positive stories out and let people in the community know what’s going on, but there’s a lot of nitty gritty. Because unfortunately if it bleeds, it leads,” Didio said. “So, this provides much more of a consistent workplace, and knowing what I’m going to be doing everyday rather than the chaos of doing something different each day.” 

Moving from a fast-paced, ever changing environment can be a big switch, but DiDio has done it with grace. He’s looking forward to the year ahead and being able to shape as many young minds as possible. 

“Just being able to help foster their creativity has been really cool and just being a part of the school,” DiDio stated. 

Outside of school, DiDio spends the majority of his time out in nature. Whether it be filming or just taking it all in. He enjoys backpacking and anything that will get him out in the world.