NPHS security team adds to roster
Genneen Groth, new NPHS security guard pauses for a picture with Walt Staheleck at NPHS. Groth joined the NPHS security team in October.
TOWAMENCIN – North Penn High School recently made a new edition to its security team. In October, Genneen Groth joined the security team, and has been carving her niche at NPHS since then .
Groth joins the North Penn family with experience working as a guard at Bucks County Prison and a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice under her belt. She also spent some time working at the DA’s office. Her decision to be a security guard specifically (and not, say, a police officer) was a choice undoubtedly influenced by her parents.
“My father was a police officer when I was younger, and my mom begged me not to become a police officer, so I think at this point, I don’t want to do that anymore, and school can be scary enough nowadays,” explained Groth.
Despite the potential dangers in schools today, she has enjoyed her time here and is fascinated by many of the features and activities that students participate in.
“I like the atmosphere, the activities and sports, everything,” Groth said.
Groth makes a point to talk to students, recommending clubs and activities for them if she thinks they’ll be interested. She looks for kids that seem depressed or in a bad spot, recommending them to counselors. She thinks that the biggest problem in the school is vaping, due to its as-of-yet unknown effects. Not much much is known about it, and it has the potential to be harmful.
“Overall, I think North Penn is a very safe school,” Groth added.
Fights in the cafeteria have been an issue in the past and Groth knows that can be a challenge if the security team lacks countermeasures. She believes the security team is always alert, with guard patrols and security cameras in every hallway in the building. Communication is key, with every guard having a headset and radio. She says fights are still common, but less noticeable.
Groth certainly seems to be enjoying her time here interacting with students.
”Since I’ve been here, I’ve been getting to know more and more students,” Groth stated.
She regularly visits clubs and attends football games and water polo (she had never seen water polo before.) She also enjoys seeing art projects being created and displayed in the school hallways.
When asked if she had any last words to share to the readers, Groth offered this: just be positive. She is a firm believer in the saying: ‘Whatever your mind can see, it can achieve,’ and believes that hard work yields great rewards. Most importantly, she wants students to stay safe.