Are you saying idioms incorrectly?

You use idioms left and right, whether you realize it or not. These clichés get thrown in sentences at the drop of a hat, but are you saying them incorrectly? Check out these common incorrect idioms so you can be sure to hit the nail on the head.


Correct idiom: play it by ear

Misspoken: play it by year

What it means: Comes from musicians playing a musical piece by just listening to it. This has developed to doing something spontaneously, as you go, or without a plan.


Correct idiom: taken for granted

Misspoken: taken for granite

What it means: To underestimate the value or importance of a person or thing.


Correct idiom: an old wives’ tale

Misspoken: an old wise tale

What it means: A tale or myth regarded as incorrect and unproven.


Correct idiom: nip it in the bud

Misspoken: nip it in the butt

What it means: To stop or destroy something at an early stage.


Correct idioms: dog eat dog world

Misspoken: doggy dog world

What it means: In this world people will do anything to be successful, a dog would even eat another dog, one should look out for their own interests.   


Correct idiom: another think coming

Misspoken: another thing coming

What it means: Comes from the original colloquial phrase “If that’s what you think, you have another think coming.” This means that if someone is thinking something wrong, they’ll have another thought coming.


Correct idiom: one and the same

Misspoken: one in the same

What it means: Emphasizes that two people or objects are extremely similar or the same.


Correct idiom: I couldn’t care less

Misspoken: I could care less

What it means: You do not care about something at all.


Correct idiom: peace of mind

Misspoken: piece of mind

What it means: A feeling of calm or being safe and protected.


Correct idiom: might as well

Misspoken: mine as well or minus well

What it means: To suggest something, usually without a strong desire.