Future business leader Dubil paves the way
TOWAMENCIN- Junior Logan Dubil always knew he wanted to go into business. However, he didn’t know that he would begin shaping his future at such a young age. Dubil is known for his work with the North Penn high school Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). The association is a national student business organization that strives to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Dubil has managed to make a name for himself throughout the state since his sophomore year of high school.
In his second year as a member of the organization, Dubil is the Vice President at Large of the Pennsylvania state officers. Nine outstanding students from across the state are selected to serve as officers. He has also competed at the FBLA State Leadership Conference, where students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills and at the National Leadership Conference, where state conference winners compete for national awards. At the FBLA Regional Leadership Conference, Dubil placed first in public speaking, and will be given the opportunity to compete at states.

The Pennsylvania state officers at the FBLA National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California.
As a state officer, Dubil is expected to construct ways to fundraise for the 2017-2018 Pennsylvania FBLA state project, which this year benefits the Alzheimer’s Association. Officers are also expected to attend and report on monthly meetings, participate in workshops, expand membership and recruit different schools to join the association. His first year experience on the state officer team has inspired him to consider running for a state office next year.
“This organization has done so much for me, and I want to give back as much as I can,” shared Dubil.
In his role as Pennsylvania FBLA Vice-President at Large, he devotes his time to the betterment of the organization.
North Penn Business Ed teacher and FBLA adviser Mrs. Linda Westerlund shared, “Logan is an amazing student who will do anything and everything for FBLA. He has a lot of great ideas of ways to promote the club and encourage students to join. He came up with the idea of the 5K that we held for our state project – The Alzheimer’s Association. He worked hard to get sponsors and donations for that event. He helped to organize it and implemented his ideas the day of the race. He ran in the race and actually placed first overall.”
The organization has not only acted as a great tool to advance Dubil into the business world, but also as a place where he can build his leadership skills and network with hundreds of students like himself across the state.
“[FBLA] has kind of gotten me out there confidence-wise and leadership-wise. Taking part in the conferences and workshops, you are the face of Pennsylvania FBLA so people look up to you, and that kind of has built my confidence at school whether it’s volunteering in class or being able to speak in front of the class,” shared Dubil.
The courses at North Penn have allowed Dubil, who aspires to major in business and study marketing and advertising in college, to flourish. His sophomore year he took Sports Marketing and Economics in Practice, and this year he takes Marketing Strategies and Public Speaking.
Dubil takes Public Speaking in hopes to better his communication skills, as that is an essential characteristic in the business world. By pushing himself out of his comfort-zone, he strives to set himself up for future success.
“I take public speaking now because of [FBLA]. That kind of goes hand and hand,” shared Dubil. “Now [that I am] taking public speaking, I enjoy reading my script lines at the conferences and stuff like that more,” said Dubil.
He also strengthens his communication and leadership skills in extracurriculars at North Penn, as he is an active member of the boys’ cross country team and has been an active member of the track and field team.
“I like track because I feel like the meets are a lot more exciting because people are hand picked based on their abilities and their participation, but cross country is definitely my favorite. It’s a smaller team, which could be improved, but we’re all a lot closer there. I also like participating in long-distance races more because there’s a lot of good opportunities to gain and to fail and that’s kind of what makes the sport what it is,” said Dubil.
Dubil dedicates himself to bettering the community around him. He carries out many acts of community service inside and outside of the North Penn School District. One of his most memorable services involved his work with Ainsley’s Angels, a non-profit organization which “aims to build awareness about America’s special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life” (Ainsley’s Angels).
“We assist kids in wheelchairs during races. So I push kids in wheelchairs during 5ks and 10ks and stuff like that,” shared Dubil.
He found out about the organization through track and field coach, health and gym teacher Jaimey Jones.

Logan Dubil and Gabe Anderson show off their hardware after finishing the 2017 North Wales Turkey Trot
“His parents reached out to the coach. All the other pushers are adults, and Gabe Anderson, that’s the kid who I push, his parents kind of wanted him to get more involved with kids at the school, so [his mom] reached out to coach saying do you think you have anyone in mind, and coach knows I like volunteering and I like long-distance stuff, so he thought of me first and gave me the information,” said Dubil.
“I remember the whole race he was smiling and laughing and stuff like that, so that definitely made me feel better that he got to experience what a lot of other people can,” shared Dubil.
Moments like these have a great effect on Dubil. In fact, it’s the little moments like these of which he is most proud. Dubil, who is also known by his nickname “Dub,” has a large following on his YouTube channel Dub TV, where the goal is to “make other people’s day.”
“I was a big fan of BF vs GF and stuff like that. They did vlogs and they seemed very successful, and because of their success with YouTube, they get all the travel opportunities. I’m not that big yet, but I’m planning on expanding and trying to get out there more just to be able to make other people’s day better, because I remember watching their videos, they add comedy to their stuff and that just made my day better, so I wanted to return the favor to other people,” shared Dubil.
Aside from his vlogs and challenges, he strives to use his platform to spread awareness of FBLA and all of the events and opportunities it has to offer.
“In January there is a state leadership conference and I’m definitely going to do an overview video. I use that because most of my friends support that, and me making a video on there will get information about FBLA out to them. Whenever I meet new FBLA members and we exchange social medias, I have that link in my Instagram bio so they always click on that and get interested, so I also use that to keep up with news and information about all the things I’m involved with,” said Dubil.
Whether on the track, in front of the camera, speaking in front of hundreds, or in the classroom, Dubil has proven himself to be a prominent figure. His drive to succeed, while also helping others do the same, is a quality that separates him from others.
“I definitely expect to see great things from Logan in the years to come. I expect to see him achieve even more things in FBLA and then I expect to see him as a huge success in the business world,” shared Westerlund.