Spikeball club is a hit with the students

A net, a ball, and loads of enthusiasm; co-founders and co-presidents Tanav Thanjavuru and Joe Stuart are thrilled to introduce us to North Penn’s first Spikeball Club.

The game of spikeball consists of a trampoline-like net, a ball, and four players. The game is a constant back-and-forth of trying to keep the ball in the air with one or two touches before hitting it against the net, where the other team must do the same. No catching of the ball is allowed; it is just an intense game of hitting the ball against the net in a way that destroys the other team’s chances at returning the ball.

After discovering the game of spikeball while hanging out with friends, Tanav and Joe realized that this would be a great game to bring to North Penn.

“We thought we needed a club where we could just go to have fun,” Tanav explains.

The school agreed with Tanav, as their first meeting on September 24th had a turnout of about fifty students. Spikeball is an easy alternative to going straight home because of its informality and simple purpose of having a lot of fun with a big group of people. Spikeball Club is friendly and open to everyone, especially since joining the club does not require any dues; Tanav and Joe don’t want money to be an issue for any interested players.

“For our regular meetings you can just come and go as you want. No dues! Just come and play with your friends, and bring your friends if they aren’t members,” Joe encouraged a friendly and inclusive atmosphere regarding the club.

Obviously, the regular meetings are a blast with music playing and friends just hanging out, but Joe and Tanav also have some serious plans for the future.

“For the tournaments, there’ll probably be dues, but there will be a prize at the end,” Tanav mentioned.

Both co-founders were very adamant about their central purpose for the club; letting loose with your best friends.

“Definitely the best club at North Penn,” they agreed together with a laugh.

Although it is not the biggest club yet, spikeball club offers a fun outlet for students to experience. With tests and homework to worry about, isn’t it about time a club was made for the purpose of having fun?