Violent Trump rallies highlight flaws in the candidate’s campaign

In this March 14, 2016, photo, Secret Service agents surround Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as he greets supporters after speaking at a campaign event in Tampa, Fla. The security ring protecting Trump includes Secret Service agents, his own private bodyguards, local police, sometimes even the Transportation Security Administration. But even that show of force has not halted disturbing episodes of violence. The only person who can stop Trump from egging on the brawling crowds is Trump himself.
Donald Trump’s chaotic presidential campaign has been accused of promoting violence as his supporters at recent rallies have been involved in heated verbal and even physical confrontations with protestors of the candidate.
Trump’s heated rhetoric which included him making a public statement that he’d “like to punch [a protester] in the face,” which was met by cheering from his many supporters at a rally in North Carolina. Trump also stated at a political gathering in Iowa that “if [his supporters] see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them. I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”
John McGraw, one of the candidate’s followers, who decided to take the candidate’s advice, punched a protestor in the face. McGraw later stated that, “The next time we see [that individual] we might have to kill him.”
During NBC’S Meet the Press Trump said that he might pay McGraw’s legal fees. Though Trump denies his role in this situation, he is urging his supporters to act violently with his words and actions.
Any candidate who will incite violence will likely be a president who incites violence. If this candidate were to have such power, our country would deteriorate and could end up a laughingstock on the world stage. A president is supposed to bring the American people together in spite of differences and not create a wedge.
Donald Trump has turned the “presidential” race in to a circus and an embarrassment for our country. He’s getting publicity for all the wrong reasons.
His lack of shame in comparing body parts like a group of middle school students and his elementary willingness to call his opponents names like “Lying Ted and Little Marco” are not tones that usually bring people together to solve serious problems.
A United States president is the leader of the free world. A president is supposed to be a model of America’s morals and values. Instead, Donald Trump is acting in a way that would only diminish the office.
If Donald Trump were to become president then the United States would not be the nation that citizens have spent years building, one where the contributions of all citizens would be respected and encouraged. A tyrant like Donald Trump could take the United out of the states of America.