Knight Likes


Madi Peyton, Staff Writer

Knight Like: Extra Credit
89.4 is every student’s worst nightmare. To be so close to an A, 0.1 to be exact is almost a slap in the face. Classic conversations with most teachers last about fifteen seconds, starting with the pleading, “is there anything I can do to improve my grade”, followed by the two letter word that no one likes to be told, “no”. But you have to love the teachers that reward some extra credit opportunities. It’s just a couple more points, but it makes all the difference in the end. What students might not even realize, extra credit is basically choosing to do more work. Bravo teachers, getting people to go above and beyond by just tossing up some points. Really, extra credit is just such a win- win. If you are one of the unfortunate souls bordering between letter grades, you’d be a fool not to take the opportunity. When life gives you lemons… submit them for extra credit.

Knight Dislike: PDA in the Hallways
What is better than rounding the corner into A-pod and running into a couple on full embrace at 8 AM? Well, probably everything. PDA, or as it should be said to couples, “Please Don’t Attach”, is commonly spotted throughout the high school day. To couples, it is their shared time together. But to the 3,000 others, it is an unwanted sight to be seen during the trek to class. Those four minutes of travel time are not an excuse to meet up with your significant other and basically just get in the way of the flock of backpack toting teens. Save it for later, when a private setting lends itself to anyone’s romancing. A little hand holding never hurt anyone, but turn it up a notch and things take a turn for the touchy. School is meant for classes and clubs, not kisses and hugs.