Day 6: last night in Hawaii

From left: Daelin Brown, Stephen Hammond, and Julie Landes stopped to take a photo at the top of the Diamond Head Volcano.

Physical activity and breathtaking moments would sum up the day I had. Today involved both volcano climbing and a parade.

We started the day by heading to Diamond Head Volcano. It was almost a mile walk incline to the top of the volcano. The steep trail and steps were worth it when we got to the top and saw the beautiful view of Waikiki.

When we got back to the hotel, we had free time for about 4 hours to get lunch, hang out, or go to the pool or beach before the parade. At 5:00pm we all had to get ready for the parade in our matching attire.

At 7:00pm we started our 2.2-mile parade down a Main Street in Waikiki with thousands of people lining the street to watch us. It was an amazing experience to see people of many cultures there to enjoy the music and honor our veterans. There were two Pearl Harbor survivors that I passed while marching.

At the end of the night we had around 2 hours of free time. It was our last night, so a lot of people went to get desserts for the last time or authentic pineapple pizza for the last time.