Voices: Which artist do you think should’ve won the Grammy for ‘Best Artist’ and why?

Kate Knab, Staff Writer

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Julia Keffer and Neha Sajja

“Kanye! Obviously, because he’s Kanye.”

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Aspen Bass

“Kendrick Lamar because of his performance. It was epic, amazing, how he could get up there and do that with that much intensity and not be afraid of any criticism he might face. He is pretty awesome.”

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Andrello Lafond 

“Kanye West, just because of his new album. And his past albums.”

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Jess McKenzie
“I think I should’ve won because I’m gonna be famous from all the publicity I’m getting at North Penn High School. But seriously, I would pick Mumford and Sons because they go from country to pop, and they still sound so good. They make me happy.”

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Angela Hong
“I think Beyoncé should’ve won the Grammy, like always, because she’s the best. She’s Bey.”