The downfall of face to face communication


Siena Catanzaro, Staff Writer

I challenge you to have an entire texting conversation with someone, but here’s the catch: you can’t use your words. Younger generations are most likely already doing this with some of their friends, but older generations are stumped as to how to communicate without words over text message. The whole point of a “text message” is to send “text.” So how can one accomplish this task?

Send an emoji of course! An emoji is defined as, “a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion, etc., in electronic communication.”

Smart phone users can download emojis onto their phone keyboard and send it in a message just like you would send any letters. An emoji eliminates the use of words and describing emotions. With one send of an emoji, someone will know exactly how you’re feeling. But will they know the words behind the emoji?

As technology advances, communication decreases because the new devices, apps, and updates are allowing people to do less work, less talking and just less of everything. Although it is simple and quick to send a smiley face emoji, the receiver of the emoji will not know what you’re actually thinking.

At this rate, future humans are going to be deaf mutes. Teachers will text their students the lesson instead of standing up in front of the class and teaching. There will be no personal contact with people. Sitting in a Starbucks talking to friends will no longer exist because everyone can just send their friends emojis instead of using their words.

Seems absurd and ridiculous that this will happen, but with how our society is evolving, who knows how many people will have face to face conversations anymore.

Without face to face conversations, a formal introduction will be lost. A handshake. The thought of people not knowing how to give a firm handshake scares me. A handshake is the basis of our culture. People today give a weak handshake, and it shows how we are straying away from formal methods of communication.

As our culture advances, we find the best ways to eliminate the hard steps in life. Everyone buys into this because who wants to do something hard? The consequences are bigger than we think. We can’t forget how to talk, how to formally communicate, but more importantly, how to use our words.

