Five reasons we should appreciate teachers more

Taylor Young, Staff Writer

In the fast paced world that we live in today, we often forget to stop and thank the people who do the most for us. When realizing this, many of us begin to start thanking our family and friends more to show that we truly appreciate them. However, there’s a group of people, who we spend five days a week with, that we’re all guilty of underappreciating: teachers.

Luckily, there’s an entire week, starting today, dedicated to appreciating teachers to make up for lost ground. In reality, we shouldn’t limit our gratuity to the five days allocated for the people who choose to dedicate their careers to educate students. Here are five simple reasons why we should all start showing our appreciation for teachers more frequently:

They educate students.
Simply put, teachers teach; however, it’s much more than that. Without them, students wouldn’t be exposed to the classroom experience. It’s always impressive to compare the variety of ways a group of educators approach teaching the same topic, undoubtedly proving the unique twist each of them brings to their classroom.

They inspire students.
More often than not, teachers encourage their students to look beyond the curriculum taught in the classroom. In doing so, students are motivated to explore new topics, further their interests, or ask more questions. Many teachers are also responsible for supporting their students’ dreams by cultivating a positive classroom environment.

They prepare students.
No matter what grade they teach, educators have a strategy to prepare their students for what’s to come later in school and life. Whether it’s toughly grading papers to show students what’s expected of them the next year or giving advice for the transition from elementary to middle school, teachers prove to have a plan when it comes to making sure their students are ready for anything.

They help students.
Teachers not only dedicate their time during school, but also before and after hours to ensure their students understand the material taught during instructional time. Accommodating students’ schedules, teachers prove to care about their students’ success in mastering concepts. Whether or not students take advantage of the opportunities for help, teachers continually offer their assistance.

They dedicate time to students.
Not only do teachers provide assistance with learning material, but many of them also take part in school clubs and activities. Voluntarily lessening the time they spend relaxing or with family, it’s clear that teachers are committed to enriching their students’ education outside of the classroom

Sometime this week, thank your teachers for everything that they do, whether it was staying after school with you when you needed help with math or proving to be a dedicated coach. Instead of complaining about the time it takes for teachers to put grades in the system, grade tests, or answer emails, start paying attention and expressing appreciation to the things they’re juggling that ensure that you have a successful educational experience.