TGIT moments that will make you OMG

Thursday has easily become my favorite day of the week. Even though yesterday I had a bit of a bad day, I came home to the realization that I would spend the night on a date with my T.V. and my favorite characters. I grabbed yet another bowl of pasta, a glass of cranberry pomegranate juice (the Coca-Cola from two weeks ago didn’t make me feel like Olivia Pope and her wine, so this juice was the next best thing), and my phone to capture the full experience Shonda Rhimes wants her fans to freak out about. Believe me, I freak out a lot more than what you read in these articles, but here are most of the TGIT moments that made me OMG!


Grey’s Anatomy

The episode begins with a monologue by Meredith discussing how she wishes she had spent more time with her mother as it shows Maggie being a part of her mother’s surgery and chemo treatments. This brings up one of the most true things I’ve ever heard: you never know what you miss until it’s gone, or in this case, almost gone. Diane’s stomach keeps hurting her, so Meredith decides to take an x-ray and discovers that the cancerous cells have travelled to her liver. Maggie argues with Meredith over the surgical treatments for her mother, and what she’s asking Meredith to do is beyond ethical for medicine. She’s asking for treatments that could prove detrimental, but Maggie is stubborn and Diane fires Meredith as her doctor. Maggie asks Jackson, Richard, and Miranda to try a procedure on her mother that is still in the trial phase. None of the doctors think that it’s logical and safe, but they tell Maggie that her mother qualifies for it. The down side to the trial is that it will be incredibly difficult on her body. Not only is his harming her, but with Maggie in everyone’s business about what happens to her mother, she is letting her emotions cloud her judgement and overrule the basics she learned in medical school.

Diane’s trial requires her to be in a controlled environment, so she needs to be in her own room going through it alone. The side effects are horrible! They seem to be killing her faster than the cancer. Luckily, she wakes up one morning and she’s back on her feet, ready to conquer the day by making her famous lasagne. At dinner when they invite their friends to share the lasagne, they laugh over certain matters and Diane starts coughing uncontrollably. When she removes the tissue from her mouth, it reveals the white tissue has been stained with blood.

She rolls into the hospital because her esophagus tore, and Maggie is oblivious to the fact that the trial is causing her mother this pain. She is so set on getting her mother through all these treatments, but it’s overwhelming Diane. Meredith tries to get Maggie to see this but the sisters end up getting in a fight instead causing more tension about the overall situation. Maggie says “You don’t know how this feels! You dumped your mother down the drain!” referring to Meredith and Richard spreading Ellis’s ashes in the sinks of her favorite O.R. Maggie doesn’t think Meredith knows how she feels because she thinks she gave up on her mother, but it’s kind of difficult to spend time with someone who doesn’t remember you since Ellis had alzheimer’s.

Diane is tired of all the pain and suffering so she tells Maggie she’s done with the treatments, and Maggie breaks down crying. She has no idea how to deal with it, but lucky for her Nathan, Meredith, Amelia, and Richard are there for support.

Maggie finally makes peace with her mother dying and spends as much time with her as possible. Diane imparts some wisdom on her daughter and tells her that since she’s been perfect all her life, she needs to make a couple mistakes and “act a little slutty.” She tells her daughter that she wants her to fall in love and be her own person. She tells Maggie to open the window for her, and when she returns to her mother’s side, Diane doesn’t move. The irony of her mother’s death was that it had been raining all day and right before Diane passed, it stopped and became bright and sunny. It was a truly tragic death scene, and me and my own mother bonded over this moment. Is that morbid? It was out of love of that makes you feel less awkward about the previous statement.

Maggie’s dad comes to be there for Maggie and to help Diane rest easy.

The episode ends with Meredith telling Nathan that now that Maggie is upset about her mom’s death, she needs to be there for her and she can’t date him at the moment. He agrees and says “maybe our timing is just off.”



Is Abby a traitor? Did she order Meg to kill Huck? These were the questions that I’ve waited to be answered all week, and now they will be.

The episode begins with a flashback to election night and focuses on Abby when Vargas was shot. A strange number keeps calling Abby and she answers in private and whoever calls her (probably Ely), they ask her to leave and she stresses because she is the president’s right hand man and he will notice she is gone.

The episode flashes back even further where Abby is at a lunch meeting for Fitz to discuss the Fitzgerald-Grant library to be built, but the people she meets with is the same pair that basically owns Ely Pope now. They tell her that they’re not interested in funding the president’s library, but they are willing to pay $300 million to be on her team. Abby is confused because she doesn’t have a team, she works for the president. They taunt her with power and Abby doesn’t accept the deal without knowing the strings attached. They tell her that if she follows instructions, she could be the president. She turns down the offer quickly, but something tells me she ends up taking the deal.

Fitz is talking to Abby about his post presidency plans in Vermont. VERMONT! Middle of nowhere so he can live a normal life, and he wants Abby to move there too so she can run his foundation. She yells at him for his ridiculous plans of fly fishing and relaxing because she had built his presidency, and he yells back saying that he has given everything to the country and deserves to relax. Fed up, Abby goes to her office and calls the people she met with at lunch and tells them she’s in. WOW WHAT A SHOCKER!

Marjorie tells Abby that after Vargas was shot, she needs to go to the hospital and lock it down so the police won’t discover any tracks left by the assassination. Abby tries to back out but Marjorie plays Abby and tells her that the money they paid her with came from North Korea, and they could report her for it if she didn’t follow through with plans. The next difficult thing they ask her to do is plant evidence in Vargas’s dead body and they force her to do this by torturing her boyfriend.

She blackmails a major into doing an autopsy to retrieve the bullets from his body and she must plant bullets from a different gun there. When the major is in the process of cutting open Vargas, she reports him to his bosses and sells him out in order to clear the room and plant the evidence. She thinks that all three bullets have been removed, but there is still one deep in his organs and she must dig deep in order to get it. I don’t blame her for throwing up! Just in time, she plants the evidence and retrieved the actual bullets to save her boyfriend and herself.

After the voicemail about Cyrus killing Vargas was leaked, Abby started to worry about her friend being sentenced to the death penalty. She wasn’t about to let an innocent man go down for a crime he didn’t commit, so she visits David’s house to tell him everything she knows but she gets a visit from Marjorie who tells her that’s she’s planned for every possible move Abby is about to make. She makes it known that she has every step mapped out. When Abby doesn’t believe her, David comes out and sees Marjorie and gives her a KISS! She is acting as his girlfriend and Abby soon realizes that there is no way David is going to believe that his girlfriend is the one plotting against the country. ABBY GOT PLAYED SO HARD!

Feeling helpless, Abby has no clue what to do, but Cyrus comes to her and tells her that Jennifer Fields is alive and she can testify to exonerate Cyrus. Abby goes and visits Cyrus in jail and tells him she’ll get him out.

The episode ends with Abby making sure that Jennifer died and Cyrus is out of jail. Meg shot Huck not to kill him, but enough to make him forget about everything. Abby doesn’t want anyone to know she was a part of this.

The episode was so shocking that #Abby was the #1 trending hashtag on twitter. YAY SCANDAL FANS!!


The Catch:

The episode begins with a solution to who gets the $3 million. Alice takes it but they ask Margot for another $3 million to save Reese’s life since he is her brother.

Nick and Val come to Alice with bad news: Tommy has been charged with the murder of the Kinkaids because there was enough evidence against him.

Reese talks his way out of his death sentence by telling the 20 year old con man, Jesse, that they can become partners in the diamond industry. Reese strings Ben along with this deal and it’s so obvious that Ben isn’t okay with it.

Alice comes home to find her place ransacked and calls to report a break in but hangs up when she sees Tommy with a gun. He broke out of jail for…the MONEY. This boy never learns!

Tommy reveals how he broke out of jail and he called Ethan, Alice’s ex-fiancé if I remember correctly. She is distraught because now she owes Ethan for Tommy’s infidelities. From the way everyone makes it sound, Ethan is very powerful but sneaky.

Ever since the make out- hook up between Danny and Margot, the two are DISGUSTING. They start playing footsie underneath the conference room table and do a little more…. I love leaving you to figure out the rest. The firm narrows in on the woman trying to kill Margot, so she picks Danny (surprise there) to help her investigate a little further. I’m not really sure what Danny is looking for because he spends his time at Margot’s place but he’s not investigating…

Ben intrudes on their little get together in search of Kenji’s missing diamonds because she stole them. She yells at him because he has stolen much more from her like her heart when he chose Alice. Danny overheard the entire thing and tries to comfort her after Ben leaves, but she shuts him out.

Alice gets a call from the man with the drug cartel and he creates new terms to their deal. At 4 P.M. he wants the $3 million and TOMMY! I wonder how Alice is going to save her brother now.

Alice goes to visit Ethan to ask for help with the SCC. She freezes their money that belongs to the bosses and uses this as leverage against the man threatening Tommy.


The firm gets a lead on the woman trying to kill Margot and Val comes extremely close to catching her.

Reese and Ben play Jesse and Yuni against each other by taking pictures of Jesse hugging the lady from the FBI. That’s how you out con the con!

Looks like Reese and Ben aren’t the only ones who know how to out con a con. After freezing the money belonging to the drug cartel, Alice advises the man to play by her rules otherwise his boss will come to know of the trouble with the money and he will end up dead because of it. Her new dal either ends in him going to jail or in him being dead. He doesn’t buy it and holds a gun up to her head. She asks him “are you going to shoot me the same way you shot the Kinkaids?” He confesses to murdering them and the cops come because they’ve been with Alice the whole time. They arrest the members of the drug cartel and Tommy is free of the entanglements.

Ben and Reese play Yuni and Jesse against each other and they confess to smuggling diamonds unaware that the FBI was lurking in the corners. They arrest the pair and leave Ben and Reese feeling good about their work.

Alice goes through her drawers to search for the money and finds a note in one that says “I had to, sorry Ally.” Knowing he was heading for the airport, she beats him there in order to stop him from making a huge mistake.

She gives him an ultimatum. If he takes the money, they’re done and she won’t associate with him anymore, but if he doesn’t he can come and work for her. He gives her a hug and says “I’m sorry” and takes the money and leaves. She yells at him “Don’t call me, don’t write me.”

The episode ends with the firm still trying to hunt down the lady trying to kill Margot. They catch her and ask her who it is and she replies “Oh, you don’t recognize me, mummy?” WHAAAATTT?!?!


Shonda Rhimes always knows how to make my jaw drop.